Saturday, June 13, 2015


Roofied Drink (Social Experiment)

One Share Can Save a Life.Roofied Drink (Social Experiment) For most of us, getting roofied seems more like an urban myth than anything else. We know it could happen, but it seems so rare and so foreign, we rarely actually consider the possibility. YouTuber JoeySalads wants us to know ignorance, in this case, does not equal bliss and drugging a drink is much easier than most of us would like to believe. In his latest video, Joey conducts a social experiment of sorts; he goes to restaurants and “spikes” unsuspecting customers' drinks. He doesn't actually spike anyone’s drink, but he shows he can while nobody is looking — a scary reminder that date rape is a real threat. As he writes in the video's description, One share can save a life. So check out the video up top, and share it among your bar hoppin' pals. They'll thank you. A terrifying new social experiment reveals just how how easy it is for a stranger to drug a woman's drink - even if she is only looking away for a second. Joseph Saladino, a popular YouTube prankster who goes by the online name Joey Salads, is trying to raise awareness about the dangers of date rape by demonstrating how easy it is for someone to slip a form of date rape drug, referred to by many as a ‘roofie’, into another person's cocktail without their knowledge 'Date rape is a big problem, I know plenty of people who have been drugged, and luckily they were not victim to date rape,' Joey explained of the clip. 'So please spread this message to protect young women.' The video, which debuted on Joey's YouTube channel on Monday, begins with Joey striking upa conversation with a woman and her male companion at the bar. Eventually, the unidentified female, who is sitting between the two men, gets up, presumably to go to the bathroom. Although her friend is supposed to be watching her drink, he is engaged in a conversation with the guy next to him - and that is when Joey makes his move. He quickly drops a powdered substance into her drink and mixes it in with his finger, taking just seconds to complete the entire process. The unsuspecting woman then returns from the bathroom and is about to take a sip of her drink when Joey warns her: 'Don't drink that.' Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

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